Unexpected Costs Were The Worst Part of Opening My Private Practice Making Driving a Profit Difficult.
Things like the following can eat away at the bottom line:
How Can Tarevo Help?
We All Know That Time Is Money. For Each Hour of Administrative Tasks You Have a Potential Revenue Loss of $75 – $ 300 in Lost Patient Direct Care. Industry Standard States That Clinicians Spend at Least 15 – 36 Hours on Administrative Tasks. Depending on your specialty that can reduce revenue gains by $3000 to $10,000 a WEEK!
Things like sending and reading emails, answering or making phone calls, registering and scheduling new patients, processing claims, Calling health plans to find out why a claim wasn’t paid, and many other tasks reduce clinical productivity that can make it hard to drive revenue.
Now Add Staffing to Help and You Add $4000 per Month in Staffing Costs and Any Potential Profit Is Significantly Reduced.
How Can Tarevo Help?
There is So Much You Need to Know to Own and Manage a Successful Practice. Stuff they Do Not Teach You in School. So Unless You Are Lucky Enough to Work in A Practice or Facility Where They Teach You These Things, You Are Somewhat Destined for A Hard Launch.
Things You Will Need To Know Are:
How Can Tarevo Help?
Other Important Issues You Will Need to Consider Include:
How Can Tarevo Help?
Unexpected Costs Were The Worst Part of Opening My Private Practice Making Driving a Profit Difficult.
Things like the following can eat away at the bottom line:
We All Know That Time Is Money. For Each Hour of Administrative Tasks You Have a Potential Revenue Loss of $75 – $ 300 in Lost Patient Direct Care. Industry Standard States That Clinicians Spend at Least 15 – 36 Hours on Administrative Tasks. Depending on your specialty that can reduce revenue gains by $3000 to $10,000 a WEEK!
Things like sending and reading emails, answering or making phone calls, registering and scheduling new patients, processing claims, Calling health plans to find out why a claim wasn’t paid, and many other tasks reduce clinical productivity that can make it hard to drive revenue.
Now Add Staffing to Help and You Add $4000 per Month in Staffing Costs and Any Potential Profit Is Significantly Reduced.
How Can Tarevo Help?
There is So Much You Need to Know to Own and Manage a Successful Practice. Stuff they Do Not Teach You in School. So Unless You Are Lucky Enough to Work in A Practice or Facility Where They Teach You These Things, You Are Somewhat Destined for A Hard Launch. Things You Will Need To Know Are:
Other Important Issues You Will Need to Consider Include:
Having owned and managed 7 Large Practices, assisted in the opening of 10 colleagues Practices, after Providing Consulting Services to Numerous Physicians, Psychiatrists, and Clinicians, I Have Been Able To Develop an EHR and Service Line that Helps Practitioners Meet These Challenges. Here Are Some of The Ways Tarevo Can Help.
Having owned and managed 7 Large Practices, assisted in the opening of 10 colleagues Practices, after Providing Consulting Services to Numerous Physicians, Psychiatrists, and Clinicians, I Have Been Able To Develop an EHR and Service Line that Helps Practitioners Meet These Challenges. Here Are Some of The Ways Tarevo Can Help.
Vice President
Engineering And Technology